As I was running(quickly walking) around the house last night, chasing my little sugar and tickling him when I caught him...Andre was quick to remind me that i did say "I can't wait to be able to chase gabe around again!" Well guess what I DID! In the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep God reminded me of this conversation and gave me the title to this post. He reminded me not only is he HEALING me but he is also making my DREAMS come true! He has taught me so much through the events of the last four months. Andre and I are still learning from it. We really try not to take things for granted anymore. We are trying to love on our little boy as much as possible. And we realize arguments aren't everything they are cracked up to be! (we are both a lot quicker to say sorry) Man God is Good! Just let God know what your dreams are and I am sure he will answer them in some way-some day!
Here's what we have been up too...
Lark Ranch...
Yesterday evening, Andre and I took little man Gabe to have some fun at the ranch. And boy o' boy did he love it! One of his favorites was the corn box. He didn't want to get out and move on until we persuaded him with a funnel cake. (yeah, i know not real healthy) He also enjoyed the goats and the pumpkin patch. However, the pumpkin patch was so viney he got really frustrated and didn't want to walk in it... He and daddy found his perfect pumpkin! Good Job daddy!!!! As for the ponies, we thought he would love, he wasn't to fond of them so we are saving the pony ride for next year. Here are some pictures to show of our fun evening.
the corn box

daddy and gabe petting the goats

little sugar in the patch

frustrated because he couldn't walk easily... but he has his perfect pumpkin in hand

on the search

daddy and gabe in the patch

hay ride... our fam...

little sugar on our front porch before we left for the ranch

what a the way gabe loves putting his hat on all by himself... as you can tell... and sometimes it really looks funny.. such a big boy
Yesterday afternoon, we decided to put ella's crib together. Whenever I was prego with gabe i had everything ready to go with a few months left... (sorry ella, mommy is so unmotivated... I just know that all you need is our love and I promise your room will be ready in time!) that is not the case with this pregnancy. I only have about 9 weeks left and she will be here. Lucky her- she at least has some clothes to wear! hehe So Gabe was daddy's big helper, as you can see.

gabe using the screw driver

counting screws for daddy