This is what we have been up to lately....
Saturday, mom and I made a trip to Eville for some new spring/summer clothes for the kiddos. This is Gabe's big find for the day.... He pushed this wagon all around target so of course nanna didn't have the heart to tell him to put it back! :) So cute that "bear" got a ride.
This was Gabe's nap on the way to eville!
This is how Gabe feel asleep one night this past week. Can you tell the poor child was exhausted?? He has had yucky ol' drainage, which makes him cough, which makes him not sleep well. So needless to say when nap time and night time are here he is ready.
Daddy doesn't look much better!
This is one of our many trips to the park... Only to look forward to more through the summer!
We made it one lap around the lake and Gabe walked the last half! This warm weather is wonderful.
Gabe found duck poop. He was so concerned about it... he pointed to it and kept telling me "duckt poopt". I told him just don't step in it and it will be ok... check out the next picture!
He did step in it and he was then concerned for his shoe!!! Silly boy! Next time you see us ask about the duckt poopt and he will tell you a story... So sweet.

Ella didn't like that Gabe was getting to walk, so she talked nanna into carrying her!
Gabe has started playing by himself more and more. The other day I found him in the living room with this food and his animals all lined up around it. I was so proud! I just can't believe how much they soak up so quick.
We ride mom and dad's golf-cart down the road to a bridge so Gabe can throw rocks in the water. This is Gabe loving life!
Ella's FIRST golf-cart ride! She wasn't to sure of the wind.... it was messing up her hair! he he
Sweet baby girl enjoying time in her stroller at the park.
Throwing more rocks..... picking just the right one!

A visit from Grandma Great-Swartzentruber.
Here is a picture of 8 of us girls who were close in high school. We have managed to stay close through the years, weather it be through email, phone calls, texts, or visits. We were thrilled to have a visit from Brooke (who has been in Africa over the last year). So here we are: Brittany, Carrie, Ella and I, Lori, Autumn - bottom row Stacey, Kelly, and Brooke. Thanks girls for the good time!
Last Friday night we had a dinner date at Mandy and Aarons. We enjoyed hanging out with friends we don't get to see much. Just before going home Gabe realized that Emily likes hats too! They discussed eachothers hats and decided to be friends! So sweet!
Ariel these are for you:
My good friend Ariel (who lives in Colorado) bought this outfit for little Ella. She is about to out-grow it and I realized I didn't have any pictures of her in it so these are for you babe. I loved it!

Gabe didn't like that I wasn't taking pictures of him.. So he scooted in a picture. My two sweeties!