Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hello World!!!!!
Gabe will be having his ventilator removed either on Monday or Tuesday. On Monday he is considered an add on so if they don't get to him he will go in on Tuesday! PLEASE be praying for healing! If he is healed they will take it out it and will be only a matter of days until he comes home. (if he isn't healed then there will be other measures taken) HOWEVER, we are believing his is HEALED! So thanks again for all of the prayer and keep them up please! We really appreciate them. I will try to update as much as I can!
Thanks again... I have no way of expressing my gratitude!!!!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Haircuts and Grandma Great....
We all headed to Amber Jo's to make Gabe's first haircut a family event! ( I would have never tried it without Andre) However, Gabe did a great job! He did a lot better then I expected. He was fine with everything until he discovered he couldn't find his hands. Then he was a bit upset until we found a graham cracker to satisfy him for the end of the cut. He did it! And it looks so great! I also decided to get my hair cut. She actually cut off 7 inches! Wow! I am excited to have a nice short summer cut. Thank you Amber Jo!

Look at that long hair!

Daddy decided to hold Gabe so he might do better...and he did great!

Not to sure of whats going on.....

Having a graham cracker to pacify the time!

Mommy and Gabe with their new styles!
Grandma Great......
After getting our haircuts we went by to visit Grandma Great (Andre's Grandma Swartzentruber). Gabe had fun looking at her kittys, swinging, and having cookies. It is good to have a visit with her! Grandma Great said Gabe looked like a little shorty walking around. She was tickled to see him moving.
Gabe is WALKING!
Gabe has finally decided to take off walking! I have been waiting on this day for about 2 and a half months. Gabe started taking steps in March but just was never brave enough to take off by himself. On Monday evening we were visiting friends in Northern Indiana and we went to the mall and let the kiddos play in the play place. Gabe was walking all over the place and every day since he has gotten braver. Today he is making laps around the house! I cannot believe it! Another reason I am thrilled.... Gabe never crawled so this is the first time in 13 months he has decided to move on his own. I just walk behind him in amazement! I am taking it all in and he is so thrilled to discover things on his own.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Good Times with Family and Friends!
On Saturday evening we went to Stephanie and Clint's house for dinner and playing. Brandi and Nathanial were there also. I didn't do a great job of taking pictures but I thought this one was really cute. Gabe was giving Aspen her paci that she had dropped. We really enjoyed our eveing and didn't want to leave!
On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday we headed to Northern Indiana to visit with some friends. The Adam's family. Jeremy, Bri, Addy (who is 2), and Gavin (who is 2 months). We really enjoyed watching the kids play and we adults enjoyed our conversations and relaxi
Gabe being silly in the car.... he did so good for the 5 hour ride!
Gabe trying some chicken parm.... as you can tell.
Gabe and Addy playing well together..
Gabe and daddy checking out Gavin...
Gabe being sweet!

Gabe playing peek-a-boo with me at the mall.
Gabe and daddy having a good ol time!
Gabe and mommy taking a ride.
Gabe and Addy watching their daddies load up the car.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Kissin Kousins

Gabe: "I wish this thing had a motor and a gas pedal!"
Brynna: "I wonder if I got going high enough if I could
clear this fence?"
Braylee: "62 white dandelions....63.....64......65....."

Gabe: "Come a little closer my pretties so I can
test out my rocket arm with these pebbles!"

Braylee and Brynna hurry to build before
the destructive force (Gabe) strikes!

Brynna and Gabe talk about the historical
upcoming presidential election as they enjoy the
view of downtown Washington through the chain-link fence.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Working Outside
Gabe helping daddy plant the flowers.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Summer is Finally Here!