Well we did it!!!!
Our oldest turned five and we celebrated!
When Gabe told me he wanted a super hero themed party I was not real
excited bc I was not wanting a spiderman/ superman theme....
But in the end I actually think it might have been one of my favorites!
I tried to stay away from specific super heros and just made all the kids the super heros!
It was so much fun....
Every kiddo was supposed to gear up when entering the party...
Each had a cape and in the bags were cuffs and a mask.
They all loved the capes but the cuffs and mask were not to much of a hit.
I was thanking the Lord all day bc it was not raining...
The only other birthday that we were able to be outside with was Gabe's first.
Thank you Jesus...
Many super men and super women helped us celebrate
but here are a few pics of some of the cuties.
My little princess did not want her pic taken all night...
but finally in the end she willingly
took one with me and I love it!!!!!
uncle Ty and the birthday boy....
Ella and Leah.... man my princess is a little sass!

I hope these three keep this up.... they are best buddies.
Liam and Kason are only a month apart..
they were enjoying each others company!
Cousins.... yep some how we are all related! love these girls....
Gabe being loved on with presents....
Thanks Aunt Tera for a wonderful gift even though
you are half way around the world!!!
Love from Gramma and Pappy........
Super Women.......
Our sweet little family.....(it was like pulling teeth to get this pic! ha)
Love this one....
I love this pic too.. this is the REAL stuff!
No one wanted a pic and so I took one anyways! tee hee
We had a blast!
Thanks to all who helped make it a special evening for my little super hero!
Five is a big one... I am not going to lie, its been a little rough on this momma..
BUT... I am not going to focus on that! I am one blessed momma to have this sweet
boy as mine. I have LOVED every second of the last four years and I am looking forward to the ones to come.... Thanks Gabe for your sweetness and your great idea to have a super hero party!