Ella is coming to meet us in less then 24 hours. We are so excited to see her! It doesn't seem real that we will be the parents of two little angels! We are both nervous about the events that tomorrow holds while at the same time we know who is in control. We will be arriving at the hospital at 6am so if you would say a little prayer for us we would appreciate it! We will update with pictures as soon as possible.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Prego Update!!!!
I had an appointment this morning with Dr.Frances. It went well... I was a little disappointed because he didn't check me as far as dialation goes. I have been having contractions, just nothing regularly. I was hoping to see how much progress I had made but no big deal. He measured my belly and we listened to little Ella's heartbeat(last time before we actually get to see her!). He told me unless contractions are consistant or my water breaks, then he will see me Saturday morning aroung 6:30. Only five days left and we will have two children! Seems unbelievable to me.... we finally get to meet this little girl who fought so hard this summer. She has already been through a surgery and lots of yucky pain meds. She is one strong lady..... I am excited to see what God has planned for her life, she definately has a purpose!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.... I will try to update one more time before our funfilled weekend but until then.... God Bless!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.... I will try to update one more time before our funfilled weekend but until then.... God Bless!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Picture update!
Ok... so this is a long one filled with pictures! Hope you enjoy....

shelves on the wall

gabe was hiding.... can you find him?

coming home outfit

looking in from the doorway

mom put this on her door

my fav. belly picture

her crib
changing table
sitting area
gabes new trick... we say "smile" and this is what he does

Our gang of guys at the christmas party....

The gals

game time!!!

yes the boys won... however, after the night was over.. I did find out that they were cheating!!!!

We bought mom and dad a new oven for christmas and they got it early. Mom is in heaven...this was the first batch of cookies baked!

gabe getting sugar high at nanna and g-dads

my little gangster man... he loves hats and on this day he was wearing daddys all day

so gabe had never had white yogurt! he thought it was lotion and rubbed it all over him while andre and i were cooking supper as we turned to check on him this is what we found.
Gabe's updated room.... His room had no brown stripe and no star/circle decal's. She also added a new piece of furniture, nightstand, star pillow, and two pictures on the wall.
His saying from uppercase living.
"Let him sleep for when he wakes he will move mountains."
Ella's room is next..... As for her room there were
a few boxes left to get rid of and the walls were a
bagel color. I had done absolutely nothing!
shelves on the wall
gabe was hiding.... can you find him?
coming home outfit
looking in from the doorway
mom put this on her door
my fav. belly picture
her crib
changing table
sitting area
gabes new trick... we say "smile" and this is what he does
Our gang of guys at the christmas party....
The gals
game time!!!
yes the boys won... however, after the night was over.. I did find out that they were cheating!!!!
We bought mom and dad a new oven for christmas and they got it early. Mom is in heaven...this was the first batch of cookies baked!
gabe getting sugar high at nanna and g-dads
my little gangster man... he loves hats and on this day he was wearing daddys all day
so gabe had never had white yogurt! he thought it was lotion and rubbed it all over him while andre and i were cooking supper as we turned to check on him this is what we found.
I went to the doctor today and I am 2cm dialated and 80% effaced! YaHOO! I wasn't expecting to be that far along... I only have 12 days left!
That is all for now... hopefully it won't be as long next time!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A New Look
I finally figured things out and got myself a new look. I am sorry I am so far behind on my posts. I will promise to post new pictures within the next few days.
So while we were on vaction my wonderful mom COMPLETELY finished Ella's room. It is so amazing and the best christmas present ever! She also added a new look to Gabe's room which is just as wonderful. I am so excited and feel like their rooms are complete. Pictures to come...
I also wanted to let you all know that we are on the count down. I only have 16 days left until we meet our little girl. She will be arriving on the 27th and no later. I am going to be induced so that she will be a little smaller then Gabe(8lbs 2oz) - due to my back. We are thrilled and ready to go! The room is ready and we just took some belly pictures Tuesday night. I just need to throw a few more things in the bag.
Pictures and updates to follow soon....
So while we were on vaction my wonderful mom COMPLETELY finished Ella's room. It is so amazing and the best christmas present ever! She also added a new look to Gabe's room which is just as wonderful. I am so excited and feel like their rooms are complete. Pictures to come...
I also wanted to let you all know that we are on the count down. I only have 16 days left until we meet our little girl. She will be arriving on the 27th and no later. I am going to be induced so that she will be a little smaller then Gabe(8lbs 2oz) - due to my back. We are thrilled and ready to go! The room is ready and we just took some belly pictures Tuesday night. I just need to throw a few more things in the bag.
Pictures and updates to follow soon....
Friday, November 28, 2008
As Andre and I look back over the past year... we have an unbelievable amount to be so thankful for. We also have so many friends and family to thank. Where we would ever start or end, I am not sure. My brother is making a video for my grandma(this is our Christmas with her because she leaves for Florida next week) and he asked if we wanted to write up a thank you to thank my extended family. We of course said yes, not thinking about it bringing us both to tears. So I decided to share with you some of the blessings that were on our list. (Andre wrote this, he did a great job!)
As impossible as it would be to ever repay you all, we begin now by simply saying “Thank You”. The love that you showed us through our “crazy summer” was in many forms: prayer, selflessness, sacrifice, holding doctors/nurses accountable, comforting hugs, encouraging words, taxi service, money, comic relief, listening ears, and sometimes just a shoulder to cry on. I wish I had one of those shoulders as I am writing this because I am overwhelmed with love for family, friends, the doctors/nurses/therapists who we befriended, and our Almighty Father in Heaven who has a perfect plan for all of us. Over the next few minutes, please join me in praising and thanking our Great God as we remember some of the specific ways he saw our family through this tough time……
the beautiful old evergreen shrub that protected Gabe and Mommy
the brave elderly gentlemen who helped lift the car off of Mams
the doctor who cried with me when he informed me that he was going to have to put the breathing tube back in little Gabriel
the “People Mover” train to allow easy back-and-forth between Mams and Gabe
the Lord’s healing touch through the hands of Gabe’s throat surgeon, Dr.Bruce
the encouraging texts I received in the middle of the night
Dr. Rachel – (one of Gabe’s amazing doctors at Riley)
Nurse Peggy – (one of Gabe’s amazing nurses at Riley)
Nurse Lauren – (one of Gabe’s amazing nurses at Riley)
the Lord’s miracle healing of Mandi’s back through the hands of her neurosurgeon at Methodist, Dr. Mobasser
Abe – (the guy who made Mandi’s brace)
Nurse Amanda – (one of Mandi’s amazing nurses at Methodist)
All those wonderful pain killers they were able to give Mandi and were still safe for baby Ella
the wonderful air mattress thingy they special ordered for baby Gabe to put under him to help make him more comfortable
the life-saving little green water sponges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the two super-comfortable lazy-boy recliners in baby Gabe’s room
the little Seal (stuffed animal) that helped to hold up Gabe’s breathing tube
the dream God gave Tyler in which He promised to bring healing!!!!
those silly little duck and cow puppets
that little toy baseball that Gabe snuggled with before waking up
and of course seeing Gabe throw that little white baseball for the first time again while lying in his bed (remember he would throw it all the way to the end of his bed and sometimes even off the bed)
the ability to get on the internet in Gabe’s room
mass text messaging prayer requests
the song God showed me in Psalm 40
those first smiles we began to see return to Gabe’s face
the Ronald McDonald House
the calming walk from Riley to the Ronald McDonald House (shade there and back)
Mandi’s uncanny ability to keep her sense of humor in those pain-filled days immediately following her surgery
Mandi’s safe transport back home to Washington Community Hospital
Answered prayer when Gabe fought off infection and high fever spikes
the two anonymous people whose blood provided baby Gabe with two successful blood transfusions
the discovery that our special little boy has a special and rare blood type
the wonderful sight of that pudge returning to the top of Gabe’s feet
the big fish tanks
the red wagon
the water for Gabe to throw coins in (he probably threw over 30 bucks in there)
the tag-team all-nighters - where would we even begin
the sincere love and care Mandi received from PT’s Clint and Stephanie Young
Nurse Jilaine – (an amazing nurse Mams had at DCH)
OT Cara – (an amazing therapist Mams had at DCH)
PT Darlene – (an amazing therapist Mams had at DCH)
PT Micki – (an amazing therapist Mams had at DCH)
Future PT Josh – (an amazing therapist Mams had at Methodist and DCH and continues to have as we continue our journey)
Aunt Jeanette and girls - providing extra fun for Gabe and loving support for Mams
our new orthopedic bed that was given to us
my brother Adam provided me with a variety of things - clothes, food, errands, etc.
to the anonymous people who cleaned out our fridge and trash so our house wouldn't stink
a place Mams, Gabe, and I were able to call home for about 3 weeks. A place that was dripping with the presence of the Lord, and a place that was a safe haven. A perfect place for my family to recover. A place for us to find rest, and unconditional and sacrificial love. Thank you Dean, Nelda, Josh, and Tyler.
the blessing of having a golf cart to use (I’m not kidding when I say that thing brought more joy and comfort and rest and escape than you will ever know)
those little “munchkin” things that Gabe was able to eat mashed up fruit in
the pool (wow!) - all of those hard working men who did such a wonderful job of providing Mams a place for therapy and an escape for the family
the wheelchair accessibility features (pool stairs, back door ramp, threshold ramp, front step rails, up-stairs bedroom, shower handles)
the meals (wow!) - thank you Rosi for getting it organized
Uncle Jay who mowed our grass ALL summer
……….this list could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
All of the things listed above are examples of God working through individuals to bless and change for the better the lives of people around them. The challenge then for us all is to allow God to use us everyday in ways that will change the people around us just like He has used you all to change me and my family forever.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We are forever changed. We are forever grateful.
~Andre`, Mandi, Gabe, Ella, (and Bruce)
As impossible as it would be to ever repay you all, we begin now by simply saying “Thank You”. The love that you showed us through our “crazy summer” was in many forms: prayer, selflessness, sacrifice, holding doctors/nurses accountable, comforting hugs, encouraging words, taxi service, money, comic relief, listening ears, and sometimes just a shoulder to cry on. I wish I had one of those shoulders as I am writing this because I am overwhelmed with love for family, friends, the doctors/nurses/therapists who we befriended, and our Almighty Father in Heaven who has a perfect plan for all of us. Over the next few minutes, please join me in praising and thanking our Great God as we remember some of the specific ways he saw our family through this tough time……
the beautiful old evergreen shrub that protected Gabe and Mommy
the brave elderly gentlemen who helped lift the car off of Mams
the doctor who cried with me when he informed me that he was going to have to put the breathing tube back in little Gabriel
the “People Mover” train to allow easy back-and-forth between Mams and Gabe
the Lord’s healing touch through the hands of Gabe’s throat surgeon, Dr.Bruce
the encouraging texts I received in the middle of the night
Dr. Rachel – (one of Gabe’s amazing doctors at Riley)
Nurse Peggy – (one of Gabe’s amazing nurses at Riley)
Nurse Lauren – (one of Gabe’s amazing nurses at Riley)
the Lord’s miracle healing of Mandi’s back through the hands of her neurosurgeon at Methodist, Dr. Mobasser
Abe – (the guy who made Mandi’s brace)
Nurse Amanda – (one of Mandi’s amazing nurses at Methodist)
All those wonderful pain killers they were able to give Mandi and were still safe for baby Ella
the wonderful air mattress thingy they special ordered for baby Gabe to put under him to help make him more comfortable
the life-saving little green water sponges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the two super-comfortable lazy-boy recliners in baby Gabe’s room
the little Seal (stuffed animal) that helped to hold up Gabe’s breathing tube
the dream God gave Tyler in which He promised to bring healing!!!!
those silly little duck and cow puppets
that little toy baseball that Gabe snuggled with before waking up
and of course seeing Gabe throw that little white baseball for the first time again while lying in his bed (remember he would throw it all the way to the end of his bed and sometimes even off the bed)
the ability to get on the internet in Gabe’s room
mass text messaging prayer requests
the song God showed me in Psalm 40
those first smiles we began to see return to Gabe’s face
the Ronald McDonald House
the calming walk from Riley to the Ronald McDonald House (shade there and back)
Mandi’s uncanny ability to keep her sense of humor in those pain-filled days immediately following her surgery
Mandi’s safe transport back home to Washington Community Hospital
Answered prayer when Gabe fought off infection and high fever spikes
the two anonymous people whose blood provided baby Gabe with two successful blood transfusions
the discovery that our special little boy has a special and rare blood type
the wonderful sight of that pudge returning to the top of Gabe’s feet
the big fish tanks
the red wagon
the water for Gabe to throw coins in (he probably threw over 30 bucks in there)
the tag-team all-nighters - where would we even begin
the support that my brothers family provided for us (Alex, Tera, Braylee, Brynna)
that stupid car toy that Gabe loved to shift and watch us jump forward then backwards
the waiver I had to sign to go against doctors orders (I was nice about it!!!)
those who were so willing to rub Mams' legs every time she awoke from sleep
for all the unthinkables that mom and dad (Marv and Lou) did for us, especially your prayersthe sincere love and care Mandi received from PT’s Clint and Stephanie Young
Nurse Jilaine – (an amazing nurse Mams had at DCH)
OT Cara – (an amazing therapist Mams had at DCH)
PT Darlene – (an amazing therapist Mams had at DCH)
PT Micki – (an amazing therapist Mams had at DCH)
Future PT Josh – (an amazing therapist Mams had at Methodist and DCH and continues to have as we continue our journey)
Aunt Jeanette and girls - providing extra fun for Gabe and loving support for Mams
our new orthopedic bed that was given to us
my brother Adam provided me with a variety of things - clothes, food, errands, etc.
to the anonymous people who cleaned out our fridge and trash so our house wouldn't stink
a place Mams, Gabe, and I were able to call home for about 3 weeks. A place that was dripping with the presence of the Lord, and a place that was a safe haven. A perfect place for my family to recover. A place for us to find rest, and unconditional and sacrificial love. Thank you Dean, Nelda, Josh, and Tyler.
the blessing of having a golf cart to use (I’m not kidding when I say that thing brought more joy and comfort and rest and escape than you will ever know)
those little “munchkin” things that Gabe was able to eat mashed up fruit in
the pool (wow!) - all of those hard working men who did such a wonderful job of providing Mams a place for therapy and an escape for the family
the wheelchair accessibility features (pool stairs, back door ramp, threshold ramp, front step rails, up-stairs bedroom, shower handles)
the meals (wow!) - thank you Rosi for getting it organized
Uncle Jay who mowed our grass ALL summer
……….this list could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
All of the things listed above are examples of God working through individuals to bless and change for the better the lives of people around them. The challenge then for us all is to allow God to use us everyday in ways that will change the people around us just like He has used you all to change me and my family forever.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We are forever changed. We are forever grateful.
~Andre`, Mandi, Gabe, Ella, (and Bruce)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Williamsburg, Virginia
As most of you know we went on vacation with Andre's family last week. We were supposed to go over the summer and then the accident overtook all plans. So we were able to move the dates back to November. We enjoyed each others company and some sight seeing. However, it was really cold most days so we bundled up! Here are a few pictures I wanted to share with you.
This first pic is just Gabe and I snuggling on the couch... and the other one not labeled is our family in front of Governor's Palace at Williamsburg. ( I don't know why it wouldn't let me label them.)

Gabe, Braylee, and Brynna watching a movie. Do you like Gabe's outfit?

Gabe's first bus ride. We rode the shuttle to our sight seeing stop.

This picture was taken at Jamestown by the ships.

Gabe and daddy in an Indian hut!

The kiddos at the Yankee Candle store.
This first pic is just Gabe and I snuggling on the couch... and the other one not labeled is our family in front of Governor's Palace at Williamsburg. ( I don't know why it wouldn't let me label them.)
Gabe's first bus ride. We rode the shuttle to our sight seeing stop.
This picture was taken at Jamestown by the ships.
Gabe and daddy in an Indian hut!
The kiddos at the Yankee Candle store.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Well- to all of those wondering... I am NOT having contractions and Ella is still as warm as can be inside of me! We have been in Virgina since Saturday and it has been really cold. We have even seen snow flurries the last two days. So we have been trying to keep warm by doing fun things with the kids INSIDE. However, today we ventured out to Jamestown. It was very cold but all of the kids did a really good job being cold! We are now back at the condo and ready for naps. Just a little update on where we are and what we are up too! Pictures to come soon!
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