Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Last night I was texting a good friend of mine....
My text to her said something like this,
"its happening friend its happening... i will be thirty tomorrow!"

She, knowing that i was not looking forward to it sent this in reply....
"Ahhhh, Holy Smokers! Well what I CAN say to this is: in one day short of thirty years you have lived such an incredibly FULL life! You married your best friend, you survived a terrible accident-and every day you do not let that win, you have made three beautiful little miracle babies- guiding them closer to being the people God created them to be. You are an amazing woman who I have always felt so blessed to call my best friend. Even though you live so far away... I learn so much from you still. You should welcome this new number with joy! There is no one else who can make the big 30 look as good as you can!!!!! 30 has been waiting to be your number and finally the time has come! 30 has never been happier!"

It was a God send... she is SO right... I am blessed! .....from that point on I have not even thought about it....I am ready to accept my new role... 30 HERE I COME!


Carissa said...

What a wonderful way to look at things. Thanks for sharing the great will help as I approach 30 myself!
And she is right about everything else too. I love reading your blog for the fun,easy going way of life and especially your positive outlook and knowing where it comes from. Happy Birthday!!

Sue said...

Mandi, Kind of on the same note... each year since I turned 37 I count my blessings for having another birthday instead of lamenting on how OLD I am getting. Shirley never made it to her 38th birthday so rejoice with each year that God gives you to raise your kids and enjoy your family!! have a very wise and wonderful friend there. :)

Beth said...

So sweet of her! I actually have lied about my age in the past because I wanted to be OLDER and wiser! 30 sounds like a person who knows what's going on. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! You are a wonderful person! Take care!

Chelsa said...

I don't dread birthdays, but Ryan does... but I always tell him he should appreciate them b/c some people don't get to experience turning that new age and have that time w/ their husbands/wives/kids etc!

Glad you're now embracing 30!

Tera said...

Ok, just going to take a guess that that was from Ariel. :) She's so sweet!

Brandi said...

I'm with Tera.... had to be sweet Ariel.... and she is RIGHT!!