The night before my two worked on their valentines...
This is the first time for Gabe to have a school party..
And Ella signed hers for our playgroup party....
So fun watching them sign their name...
It only lasted about five mins and then they were onto bigger and better!
Night before...
Love day....
My kiddos woke up to some balloons and a small treat!
I love the look on their faces... and all it takes is balloons!
While Gabe was at school Ella had her buddy Sam come over for some play time...
They were both dressed for the occasion...
After we picked up Gabe at school we took Nanna some lunch...
And valentines...
After nap the kids made daddy some love day art....
And we anxiously waited on him at the door so we could say surprise!
Little man was in on the action...
Thats all that counts!
WE love, love day!
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