household to make a little girls dreams come true!!!
Ella had been looking forward to her birthday party for a while and when the day arrived she was sick with high fevers.... no big deal we pushed it back to the next weekend.
The next weekend rolled around...
We were doing good....
Saturday we enjoyed two of our friends birthdays...
Saturday night when we got home miss Ella threw up everywhere!
At first Andre and I related it to much sweets for the day....
But then it happened again!
So the next morning we let everyone know that she had been sick but she was now holding things down and that we were moving forward with the party bc this momma did not have the heart to make her wait AGAIN to have her party!
We had some awesome friends that came braving the sickness to make Miss Ella feel special!
This was the first year she was involved in telling me what she wanted for her party!!!
Pink and purple princess...
And that is what we did!
The princess cake...
The decor....
her daddy made this sign....
The tiaras are in the tree with wands...
Miss Ella enjoying some strawberry banana crystal light!!!
Crowns for the boys...
Gift time...
The knights "saving the day!"
lovins for liam...
Gramma and Pappy with some crazy kids!!!!
After having kids I never take pics of my and my girls....
A new goal of mine... to take pics of me and my friends!!!!!
My sis, Tera and I...
Shaya, Me, Steph, Lauren (with baby Grace), Ali and Aniston...
My bro Josh and my sis Taryn
My bro Tyler and I....
Our sweet little family....
The birthday girl.... Three she shall be!!!!!
love this face....
These next pictures crack me up....
My mom and dad with the kiddos...
They are a mess!!!!
Happy Birthday to a VERY SPECIAL little girl!!!!!!!
We LOVE you SIS!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Princess Ella! We love you!
Happy Birthday Ella! And congrats on another great party, Mama. I can tell how much work you put into it, and Little Miss felt very loved I am sure. (She looked like she was feeling better in the pics, but it's a shame she had to wake up ill. To be sick on one's birthday is the worst!)
What a great looking party :) Seriously, you're amazing at that party planning stuff!
Looks like Miss Ella had a wonderful time (despite having the sickies beforehand)!!
You did AWESOME on the decorating!!!! Looks like everyone had fun and got lots of yummy food:)
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