Life has been full and fun....
Here is whats been happening....
A couple of nights before the wedding(i promise, to all who have begged, to get more pics up of the wedding soon) we tried the kids' clothes on to make sure they were ready to go... they practiced walking down the aisle and then acted silly!

Gabe has been
wanting to learn lately and this lazy ol mom just never gets around to it. You would never guess that I have an education degree... stink! So anyway.... the daddy of the house has taken the roll of helping our willing son! Go daddy!
here is little sis joining in on the fun...

Here is my little man working hard...

The finished product... he is so proud and so is his mamma!

The Friday before the wedding we spent some time with the bride herself...
Getting pampered!!!!
Fun stuff....
This was Ella's first time to get her nails done!!!
She loved all the attention and loved doing something girly with mamma,
or so I would like to think!!!
I let her pick whatever color she wanted... I was so relieved it was not yellow or orange!

The bride herself!!!!!

What a videographer!!!!!! he drove the nail place to get some footage!!!
I tell you what, this man, is AWESOME!!!
Love you BRO....

We were SO blessed that grandma Zetta flew home to be a part of the celebration!
She enjoyed her first pedicure!!!!!! And she LOVED it!!!!
Little sis loves her so much....

Nanna talking to sis about girly things.....

She loved playing in the water.....

She decided to text a few friends... hee hee!
She loves to watch videos.....

Grandma enjoying her first pedicure...

TA.... DAA!!!!

She sat so still.... we had fun!

Grandma Zetta and Ella dryin their nails...
Ella got her middle name from this grandma!!!!
We enjoyed our pampering morning.....

This is just one morning in the Knepp household, lovin our blueberry muffins!

Last Thursday Ella sported her first set of braids....

While Ella was still sleeping Gabe had a blast JUMPING!!!!
This boy catches some air.

Potty Training-
We have been doing potty stuff on and off.
Ella sure knows exactly how to do it but some days she decides its no fun...
So no pressure, I tried to pressure Gabe and it did not work so I learned to just let it happen.
Thats where we stand, and so this was one time that she did go on the potty.
She and Gabe are always totting their animals and babies everywhere...even to the bathroom!

We worked on some valentines and my kiddos lasted a whole 10 seconds,
so mamma finished them off!

We made some peanut butter heart candy-delish!
It took time but they were easy...
The kids put the sprinkles on.

We attended the second annual valentine party with the playgroup.
Here are my babies decorating their cupcakes/cookies.

Gabe and Noah are becoming BIG buds....
boys have to stick together (since their are hardly none)

Enjoying their suckers on the way home from the party.

The kiddos woke up from nap to a little surprise.
After supper they could not wait to open their presents,
i mean I could hardly get them to eat!

Thats whats been happening with us...
Hope to post more wedding pics soon....
And I promise to stay more updated!!!!!!