Thursday, August 5, 2010

This is what happens....

when you get out for a night out on the town with no littles!

Brandi Rainey, Krissy Burkhart, Me, Miriam Briggeman

Nathaniel Rainey, my hubby, Ryan Burkhart, Jordan Briggeman

Eating at Buffalo Wild Wings... (just click to enlarge collages)

A little stop at Zip and Sip for some Marshmallow Pepsi....

The progressive jump.....
We did get a little silly...
We did tip up the bottle of marshmallow syrup...(or should i say the crazy ones did)
We did laugh a LOT....
We did pretend to lick the big ice cream cone...
We did completely confuse the poor girl that took our order at Zip and Sip...
We did get down to kids bop on the way home...
We did have lots of fun...
Thanks Ryan and Krissy for the GREAT night out..


Jessie said...

I've never heard of marshmallow pepsi!? Guess I'm missing out :) Looks like you guys had too much fun. Glad you experienced zumba with me tonight! Haha, I hope you had fun!

Brandi said...

Wasn'tit marshmellow mountain dew??LOVE the pics!! Thatwas soooo muchfun!

Mandi Knepp said...

If I remember right, it was marshmellow EVERYTHING!