I have fallen behind with my posts...
So here goes nothing, over the next couple of days I will play catch up!
The last weekend in September our family made the trip to Ohio.
We love this trip... it is one we always look forward too.
We did have a baby in tow this time, just like the oldin days.
So the trip had some expected feeding stops but we made it!
And for Liam's sake he did Awesome....
He went extra long in between his first feeding and second so we actually only stopped one time for him to eat.... ahem (gabe, ella, daddy), but we had to make a few pit stops for pee!
It would have been nice to time it but that would have made the trip less interesting.
So we arrived LATE Friday night. boo
We enjoyed a small visit before bed...
Now is when it gets good...
Gabe had mentioned he did not feel good on the way but I just thought it was sinus drainage.
Well sickness kicked in... he started with fevers and his trauma induced asthma and we were so close to making an ER visit. This crazy momma did not even think about the nebulizer accompanying us in our trip....
So after taking Gabe out in the cold weather to stop the coughing, then to the bathroom to sit in hot moist air, a call to the DR on call back at home, and some motrin later we were able to calm down enough to wait on the pharmacy to open the next morning.
The next morning I awaited the lights of the pharmacy to turn on.
Got the goods and headed home. whew!
Saturday ......We decided it would be best that Gabe rest for the most part.
So a
quick trip to the pumpkin patch it was!
relaxing after breakfast...

this little guy feel asleep like this....
daddy says its a good sign he will sing...

the pumpkin patch....
discussing important matters...

hay ride fun...


back at home...
warm and toasty....

Sunday....We paid Kings Island a visit and it was perfect!

Ella was very timid in the beginning
but after just a short time she was riding them all.
Her first coaster!

Stopped for lunch....

We ended the day with a train ride....

It was perfect weather...
Gabe managed to make it and have fun in the midst of being sick...
Fun was had by all!
Thanks again Swartzys, for another awesome trip marked down in history!