His better half............ Tristen!
Last weekend we were "On the Road Again".
We headed out to Ohio to visit our beloved Adam and Tristen.
We arrived Friday evening and Adam met us at Eden Park.
It was so amazing. It overlooks the river and better yet they had
all kinds of stuff for the kids to climb on. Perfect, after just completing a
four hour drive!

loving all the attention...

UNDER DOG...........................

Yes this ol mamma can swing... and she loved it!
Oh to feel like a kid again!
While Gabe, daddy, and Adam played with a toy airplane...
Ella was busy making sure all the swings were swinging!
She did a great job at keeping them going!

Then it was bath time!

Saturday Morning we woke up to an Amazing breakfast...
Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs (cheesy ones)
Thanks you two for such a treat!
Then we had a tour of Mount Adams (Tristen lives here).

Then we were off to fly a kite!
They tried and tried and tried again....but no sweet success.
Gabe had a blast running around, behind daddy and Adam, in the big grassy open area.

Ella enjoyed some time to herself!

And finally the beautiful, Tristen!
She had to work late Friday night so we awoke to her
Saturday morning.
After there was no succes with the kite we headed over the
playground. As you can see daddy loved to play too!

After playing awhile we headed back to take naps.
And Saturday night we went out to Montgomery Inn to eat.
They had AMAZING ribs and somehow I have no pictures.
And get this, ALL of us were wearing bibs!
Ella and Gabe enjoyed seeing us adults with bibs.
Ella and Tristen making funny faces, while we relaxed in the apartment.
This pic was Sunday morning before we left.

Thanks again you two for a wonderful relaxing weekend.
We enjoyed every moment with you and hope to see you soon.