Our sweet little girl! She has been doing wonderful... she is growing like a weed. At her first appointment (2 weeks ago) she weighed in at 7lbs 4oz! She loves to eat! Dr. said she looks good.
Such a miracle to think of everything she has went through: her first back surgery (her mama's back) and lots of pain meds-many of which the dr's were uncertain of. She and her brother are great reminders to me EVERY day of how God is Good!
Gabe wanted to hold Ella this morning. He is such a proud big bro.
Any little squeak she makes he lets me know
"mama that sis". Such a sweetie!
Ella was done being happy so Gabe was
giving her kisses to try and settle her down.

He was trying to pick her up in this picture.
He let me know he wanted to hold sis.
More kisses for sis! Like I have said before
he gives her kisses all day long!
I had told Gabe I would sit and play blocks with him.
I brought Ella in... in this seat and he wasn't to sure of
her playing blocks with us... I then told him he had to
be nice and let sis play too. The next thing I know he
had put a block in her seat! He was sharing! This just
melted my heart! Life with two is great!
We went to play group yesterday. It was Ella's first time to go
with us! She and Koen are only two days apart. Koen and Ella
sounds good together! he he From the looks of things in our
community, Ella is going to have a whole group of cuties to choose from!
I love this picture!!!! This is G-dad (my dad) getting down
with Gabe! So cute... he loves to copy everything we say
and do right now. As you can see he has a powdered
doughnut in his hands... what can I say other then we were at G-dads....